Slim Jim

Kees vd Westen Slim Jim

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High-end Espresso Machine with endless possibilities for customization

"It's is not only the product you buy, it's the service that matters. And we provide you with the best after-sales service."
Fixpresso Team

What do you receive?



Next to the high build quality and strong performance in extraction and steam, our machines` main point of difference has since 1984 been their design. We intend to exploit our experience in this field to its full extent. The Slim Jim will be offered in a wide array of appearances. Everyone can now have their own bespoke machine, be it the aspiring espresso bar owner or a chain of shops. Many different, visually defining parts can be chosen; legs, front panels, side panels, cup rails, colours, awnings, colour of knobs/handles, groups, and so forth. Furthermore, all parts are interchangeable allowing the Slim Jim to be evolved or adapted over time.


  • Multiple boiler system: steam boiler plus boiler per group, all temperature control by PID; each group fed with water preheated to target temperature via heat-exchanger with self-regulating temperature adjustment.
  • Actual water temperature in each group is displayed in extra large digits.
  • Two stage progressive pre-infusion cylinder per group
  • Pressure gauge per group indicating real-life extraction pressure at the puck.
  • Shot-timer per group.
  • Drip tray easily adjustable in height.
  • Two hot water temperatures available.
  • Powerful, isolated steam boiler – up to 6,000Watt.
  • Dual volumetric Bastone lever.
  • All stainless steel construction